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Looking for the latest Bluebutton news? Get the full scoop below (with sprinkles and a cherry on top). Stay classy, San Diego.

Welcome! Bienvenue! Willkommen!

Did you notice a difference when you logged in today? If not, our backroom boffins (the boys and girls who do our legal indemnity science) have worked their fingers to the bone for nothing. And no one likes bony fingers.

We hope you like the new site, with its oodles of new products, gizmos and gadgets. If you want, take time to feel a little smug because now you’re registered for the shiniest and cleverest website in town.

Let us know what you think via the feedback page. And if you love it, tell all your conveyancing friends it’s Bluebutton. If you hate it, tell them it’s anyone but.


(Published 05.02.19)