Planning legal indemnity policies

Here are all our Planning legal indemnity insurance policies. Don’t they look nice? Drop us a line at to tell us how nice they look (or if you can’t find the one you want).

Single policies

Get a quote Wording Lack of evidence of compliance with conditions contained in a planning consent
Get a quote Wording Lack of evidence of compliance with conditions contained in a planning consent - Lender only
Get a quote Wording Potential breach of a tree preservation order by previous works
Get a quote Wording Lack of evidence of compliance and/or future non-compliance by the original developer, with conditions relating to a Community Infrastructure Levy, which may affect an individual plots on the development, where cover is for the lender only
Get a quote Wording Lack of evidence of Planning Permission and/or Highways Act consent for the construction of a vehicle crossover (including dropped kerb) on a public footway and/or publically adopted verge
Get a quote Wording Lack of evidence of consent for the construction of a vehicle crossover (including dropped kerb) on a public footway and/or publically adopted verge
Get a quote Wording Lack of evidence for planning for completed works, original construction or previous change of use
Get a quote Wording Lack of evidence of planning consent for past change of use to a house in multiple occupation
Get a quote Wording Lack of evidence of compliance with conditions contained in a section 52 or 106 Agreement entered into by a developer which may affect the property

Combined policies

Get a quote Wording Lack of evidence of compliance with or failure to comply with conditions contained in a planning consent and/or section 52 or 106 Agreement
Get a quote Wording Lack of evidence of compliance with or failure to comply with conditions contained in a planning consent and/or section 52 or 106 Agreement and lack of building regulations consent for completed works
Get a quote Wording Lack of evidence of compliance with conditions contained in a planning consent and lack of building regulations consent for completed works
Get a quote Wording Lack of evidence of planning and building regulations consent and potential forfeiture of lease due to breach of leasehold restrictive covenants for internal completed works
Get a quote Wording Lack of evidence for planning, building warrrant or completion certificate for completed works
Get a quote Wording Lack of planning and/or building regulations consent and evidence of compliance with conditions contained in a past planning consent for completed works
Get a quote Wording Lack of evidence for planning, building regulations, FENSA or other certification for completed alteration works, original construction work, or past change of use (excluding flat conversions)
Get a quote Wording Lack of evidence for planning, building regulations, FENSA or other certification for flat conversion (lender only)
Get a quote Wording Lack of evidence for planning, building regulations, FENSA or other certification for flat conversion
Get a quote Wording Lack of evidence for planning, building regulations, FENSA or other certification for completed alteration works and/or past change of use to a house in multiple occupation
Get a quote Wording Lack of evidence for planning consent and freehold restrictive covenants for completed works
Get a quote Wording Lack of evidence for planning, building regulations, freehold restrictive covenants, FENSA or other certification for completed works
Get a quote Wording Lack of evidence of planning, building regulations, freehold restrictive covenants, FENSA or other certification for completed alteration works and/or past change of use to a House in Multiple Occupation
Get a quote Wording Lack of evidence for planning, building regulations, restrictive covenants, FENSA or other certification for flat conversion
Get a quote Wording Lack of evidence for planning, building regulations, freehold restrictive covenants, rights and easements, FENSA or other certification for completed works