Listed Buildings legal indemnity policies

Here are all our Listed Buildings legal indemnity insurance policies. Don’t they look nice? Drop us a line at to tell us how nice they look (or if you can’t find the one you want).

Single policies

Get a quote Wording Lack of evidence of compliance with conditions contained in a listed buildings consent
Get a quote Wording Lack of evidence of listed buildings consent for completed works

Combined policies

Get a quote Wording Lack of evidence of compliance with conditions contained in listed buildings and/or planning consent(s)
Get a quote Wording Lack of evidence of compliance with conditions contained in a listed buildings consent and/or building regulations consent, for completed works
Get a quote Wording Lack of evidence of listed buildings consent and building regulations for internal completed works
Get a quote Wording Lack of evidence of listed buildings and conservation area consent for completed works
Get a quote Wording Lack of evidence of listed buildings and planning consent for completed works
Get a quote Wording Lack of evidence of listed buildings and restrictive covenants consent for completed works
Get a quote Wording Lack of evidence of listed buildings, conservation area and building regulations consent for completed works
Get a quote Wording Lack of evidence of listed buildings, conservation area and planning consent for completed works
Get a quote Wording Lack of evidence of listed buildings, building regulations and restrictive covenants consent for completed works
Get a quote Wording Lack of evidence of listed buildings, conservation area, planning and building regulations consent for completed works
Get a quote Wording Lack of evidence of listed buildings, planning and building regulations consent for completed works
Get a quote Wording Lack of evidence of listed buildings, planning, building regulations and restrictive covenants consent for completed works