Access legal indemnity policies

Here are all our Access legal indemnity insurance policies. Don’t they look nice? Drop us a line at to tell us how nice they look (or if you can’t find the one you want).

Single policies

Get a quote Wording Lack of evidence of compliance with conditions contained in a section 278 Agreement entered into by a developer in relation to past highway works to the adopted estate road(s), which may affect the property
Get a quote Wording Insufficient rights for repair and maintenance of a private road serving the property - cover for the lender only
Get a quote Wording Inadequate servitude rights of access for pedestrian use only
Get a quote Wording Inadequate rights of access for pedestrian use only
Get a quote Wording Inadequate rights where access is for vehicles and pedestrians
Get a quote Wording Inadequate servitude rights where access is for vehicles and pedestrians
Get a quote Wording Inadequate rights of support, protection, and entry with adjoining dwellings to enable repair, and inadequate rights of access to and from the property for pedestrian use only
Get a quote Wording Inadequate rights of support, protection, and entry with adjoining dwellings to enable repair, and inadequate rights of access to and from the property for pedestrian use only
Get a quote Wording A section 38 Agreement has not yet been completed with the local authority for the adoption of the road(s) serving a new private dwelling on a development
Get a quote Wording Section 38 and/or 278 Agreement(s) has not yet been completed with the local authority for the adoption of the road(s) and/or the highway works required to existing adopted road(s), serving a new private dwelling on a development
Get a quote Wording Lack of evidence of Planning Permission and/or Highways Act consent for the construction of a vehicle crossover (including dropped kerb) on a public footway and/or publically adopted verge
Get a quote Wording Lack of evidence of consent for the construction of a vehicle crossover (including dropped kerb) on a public footway and/or publically adopted verge

Combined policies

Get a quote Wording Title contains no or inadequate rights of access and it is subject to mining/mineral rights (including potential trespass claims)
Get a quote Wording Inadequate rights of access and title is subject to third party, private rights of way and/or rights to lay services
Get a quote Wording Inadequate rights for access to the property and an existing and/or potential breach of known and/or unknown freehold restrictive covenants
Get a quote Wording Inadequate rights of access and easement for services
Get a quote Wording Inadequate servitude rights for access and services required by the property
Get a quote Wording Inadequate rights of access and for using a septic tank and/or access for maintenances
Get a quote Wording Title contains no or inadequate rights of access and it is subject to freehold restrictive covenants and mining/mineral rights (including potential trespass claims)
Get a quote Wording Title contains no or inadequate rights of access and it is subject to freehold restrictive covenants and outstanding rights/easements
Get a quote Wording Inadequate rights of access and easement for services, and title is subject to third party, private rights of way and/or rights to lay services
Get a quote Wording Inadequate rights of access and easement for services, together with an existing or potential breach of known and/or unknown freehold restrictive covenants
Get a quote Wording Title contains no or inadequate rights of access and easement for services and it is subject to freehold restrictive covenants and outstanding rights/easements
Get a quote Wording Title contains no or inadequate rights of access and easement for services and it is subject to freehold restrictive covenants and mining/mineral rights (including potential trespass claims)