Latest news

Looking for the latest Bluebutton news? Get the full scoop below (with sprinkles and a cherry on top). Stay classy, San Diego.

New look (no, not the shop)

We think our aesthetic made a pretty big splash when we launched, but we’ve decided to make a few refinements to our look. We’re not talking monocles and a pipe (although that would be amazing), but we think the new colour scheme has come out rather nicely (especially the polka dots*). We’re also adding more information about our products, and reworking the overall design to make it easier than ever to find what you’re looking for.

You’ll be able to judge our new look for yourself from January 29th. And don’t forget, we’ve recently added new products and a new referral system to tackle any of your quirkier queries! You’re not likely to get that kind of service from any high street fashion chain, that’s for sure!

*may or may not be true

(Published 01.11.18)