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Drumroll, please… introducing new vehicle crossover consent cover!

Our shiny new policy is designed to help out when a residential property benefits from a ‘vehicle crossover’ – that’s a dropped kerb to you and us – which has been constructed without formal consent from the local authority.

It can be a real problem for the property owner and their lender if, down the line, they have to defend against or comply with enforcement action by the local authority, and the market value of the property could even take a hit if use of the crossover is prevented.

But you don’t have to worry – that’s why we’re here. Our policy protects both buyers and lenders against this risk, and can even be combined with our lack of residential planning cover where planning consent should also have been obtained. Check out our products page for the full scoop – details can be found in both the Access and Planning sections.

(Published 25.02.22)